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28 responses »

  1. Thanks for recently subscribing to A Hope for Today. I look forward to learning more about your site.

  2. whatsarahreads says:

    Thanks. I really recommend the book!

  3. dipankaryogasolutions says:

    dear vikram.. the pleasure is doubled bcoz its my first feedback from an indian .. regards dipankar, india.

  4. allenpaulgloria says:

    Hi.. Would it be ok to you if I reblog some of your stuff on my blog? Thanks.. 🙂

  5. Appreciate you taking time to read my blog!! Blessings Benda J Wood

  6. J. Bood says:


    Glad you enjoyed my recent post. It’s an honor and blessing to see that the same message of hope and truth is being embraced by the “common” people worldwide.
    Together and ONLY together can we co-create the world that we all long to call “home”.
    The world of peace and shared abundance that is truly the birthright of humanity.


  7. Dear Vikram,

    I nominate you to receive the Kreativ Blogger Award!

    Click here to check it out! 🙂

    Kreativ Blogger Award

  8. hi VIkran
    Glad you liked my post. I am a new blogger. Yet dont know how to tag, write manage etc. However really encouraged by you man.


  9. ubpdqn says:

    Dear Vikram,
    Thank you for your interest in my blogs. I sincerely appreciate your kind ‘likes’,
    I hope you passed a safe, peaceful and happy birthday.

    Unknown Blogger

  10. hedley4life says:

    Thanks for liking my poem. if you’re interested i’m planning to post more

  11. bribees says:

    Thank you so much for reading my blog :). I appreciate it very much. Have a wonderful day.
    from bigredcomfycouch

  12. Thanks for visiting my world, Vikram, now I have visited yours and want to see more. Unfortunately, I have a meeting pressing me today, but I will be back! (For sure.) Thanks again.

  13. Shruti says:

    Thank you very much for “visiting” my blog. Your blog looks very interesting and I am already reading my way through, and enjoying it hugely. The play is also beckoning so I will have to get a copy and read it – I love the concept of it and the review make clear that the execution has been fantastic.
    Best wishes,

  14. catiestewart says:

    Hey Vikram, great to be acquainted with you! I’ll drop by more often now I know you are here .. xx

  15. w1000 says:

    Anyone read ‘Shiela the Irish Witch’ book for Kindle?
    Is it for ordinary people?

  16. really liked characters~~makes me want to look at stories a bit different now as it can tell alot about what’s going on. Nice, thanks for reading my blog

  17. da capo fits says:

    Hi Vikram, thanks for reading my post, it was my first one, hopefully of many more. Your blog looks very interesting, I’m going to check it out. Cheers!

  18. Charlie says:

    Thank you for reading my posts. I find that very encouraging. Promise to return the favor, mainly because you write beautifully & most subjects are very interesting. Cheerios! 🙂

  19. Hey Vikram, How do you add the ‘About’ at the bottom of every post ? I need to add those; Can you pls help ?

  20. Ciao & Pace (peace be unto you in Italian)

    Thanks Vikram for visiting my Christian blog website today and for your comments – much appreciated!!!

    God bless you and all your loved ones, AMEN!!!

    I have a ‘A’ level in Art and specialise in “GOSPEL ART”

  21. kinashah22 says:

    Hi! Vikram thanks for visiting my blog. And ur comment much more encouraging me.

  22. Hi Vikram, Please accept my apologies for not writing sooner. For a long time you have been following my blog and liking my posts. Thank you.Although I try to get around to writing to as many people as possible I almost always miss some. Your writing is very much appreciated and I hope to follow it more closely in the future. – Brian.

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