A warm greeting to all of you visiting this site. I am a blogger, tech geek, and positive thinker. I believe we can become good friends.

I live in the present moment. The world is rapidly evolving with thoughtful business, information, and technology. We can take advantage of this opportunity to get to know each other in this virtual reality.

Best Regards,
Vikram Roy

PGDM from AMITY University
(Tech Geek & Blogger)

The Blog:

The scale is composed of three Likert-type statements measuring the degree to which a person believes that using technology to generate content, in general, should be entertaining. Hence, this blog is related to all such subjects that I generate using AI tools which are informative, to the point and exclusive.

AI cannot generate user-specific content until the data is specified, but a proficient prompt engineer can guide AI tools to generate fresh content.

Prompt Engineering:

Psychology is fundamental to understanding the impact on individuals and groups of the integration of AI and new age technology. This field encompasses the full range of human experience — including ethical influence, cognition, and behavior — in activities, events, theories, and practices. AI includes all forms of mediated communication, such as pictures, sound, graphics, content, language, and emerging technologies.

The emerging field represents a significant opportunity to use AI in new and creative ways by understanding how creative science and AI work together. Psychological theories can be applied to emerging social media, e-Learning, and digital technologies, blogging in pioneering ways. Advanced AI psychology draws from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, political science, rhetoric, literature, culture, art, and international business relations.

One of the goals of AI is social awareness: a better understanding of AI and the knowledge of available alternatives. The development of AI awareness based fundamentally on consideration for others is an important function of education, basic to the ethical and responsible use of AI tools.

Why is it that data scientists tend to blame a demise on a “loss of differentiation” or some such thing when they should be saying “Building AI is too expensive,” which incidentally means that technology is becoming less differentiated when there are a lot of freely available AI tools to produce new content.

302 responses »

  1. citvnet says:

    Vikram, thank you. Jose

  2. Pat Cegan says:

    Interesting blog. I look forward to exploring it. hugs, pa

  3. jmmcdowell says:

    Thank you. Your play sounds interesting!

  4. maryct70 says:

    Vikram, You have a very interesting blog here yourself. I look forward to reading more of them.

  5. Eric Alagan says:

    ‘Why is it that marketing scientists tend to blame a brand’s demise on “loss of differentiation” or some such thing when they should be saying “It’s too expensive, it’s no longer profitable”? Which incidentally means the brand is becoming more not less differentiated?”

    Simple – They want to differentiate themselves from the ordinary folks 🙂 Makes them look smart and they can charge more 🙂

  6. It is incredible how many people rely on the idea that only the material can make them happy and by the idea that only with reaching a future goal will happiness be obtained, instead of just learning to be happy in the present.

  7. Vikram,
    Thank you for indicating you liked my blog on the Marian hymnology.

    But your blog is truly excellent. I will follow it.

  8. Hi Vikram,

    Thanks so much for your visit and I will come back again in the new year, as I’m about to leave to go out of town for the holidays.. I wish you a wonderful New Year! 🙂

  9. My wife is a big fan of Tin Tin. Her brother is a comic strip artist for Tin Tin Magazine. His name is Ferry.

  10. Vikram! thanks!
    i m subscribed and you shall get a review of the play on my blog soon!


  11. You have a famous name, Vikram. I am sure you know this, but I send on some information I discovered. We know this story format as used in the Arabian Nights.

    Vetala Panchavimshati  or  Baital Pachisi, “Twenty five tales of the Baital”), is a collection of tales and legends within a frame story, from India. It was originally written in Sanskrit.

    One of its oldest recensions is found incorporated in the 9th section of the 12th book of the Kathā-Sarit-Sāgara (“Ocean of the Streams of Story”), a work in Sanskrit compiled in the 11th century by Somadeva, but thought to have been based on yet older materials. This recension comprises in fact twenty four tales, the frame narrative itself being the twenty fifth.


    The legendary King Vikram, identified as Vikramāditya (c. 1st century BC), promises a vamachari (a tantric sorcerer) that he will capture a vetala (or Baital), a vampire spirit who hangs from a tree and inhabits and animates dead bodies.

    King Vikram faces many difficulties in bringing the vetala to the tantric. Each time Vikram tries to capture the vetala, it tells a story that ends with a riddle. If Vikram cannot answer the question correctly, the vampire consents to remain in captivity. If the king answers the question correctly, the vampire would escape and return to his tree. In some variations, the king is required to speak if he knows the answer, else his head will burst. In other versions, the king is unable to hold his tongue if he knows the answer, due to his ego. Regardless of the reason, he knows the answer to every question; therefore the cycle of catching and releasing the vampire continues twenty-four times.

    On the twenty-fifth attempt, the vetala tells the story of a father and a son in the aftermath of a devastating war. They find the queen and the princess alive in the chaos, and decide to take them home. In due time, the son marries the queen and the father marries the princess. Eventually, the son and the queen have a son, and the father and the princess have a daughter. The vetala asks what the relation between the two newborn children is. The question stumps Vikram. Satisfied, the vetala allows himself to be taken to the tantric.

    The vetala reveals the sorcerer’s plan to sacrifice Vikram, beheading him as he bowed in front of the goddess. The Sorcerer could then gain control over the vetala. The vampire suggests that the king asks the tantric how to perform his obeisance, then take advantage of that moment to behead the sorcerer himself. Vikramāditya does exactly as told by the vetala and he is blessed by Lord Indra. The vetala offers the king a boon, whereupon Vikram requests that the tantric’s life be restored and that the vetala would come to the king’s aid when needed.

    • VIKRAM ROY says:

      Kristin, It reminds me some of my childhood fantasies about Vikram-Baital stories. “Vikram” is actually an adjective, it means “brave” in simple English. Albeit I am not very brave! 🙂 Thanks for the story you have shared here. Love and a big hug.

  12. MakeSomethingMondays says:

    “Art cannot draw lines in human life, but an artist can reflect light upon the society that is still standing in the dark.”

    I love that! your blog is very interesting! I will be following you 🙂 Thank you for sharing your information.

  13. eweket says:

    Thanks! Looking forward to read your posts

  14. jose Alvarez says:

    Educating people is vital. People live in the here and now and do not study humanitys historical mistakes. Cubans like me and Venezuelans never thought that their country could be tyranicaly taken from within. When I look at the naiveity and gullibilty of my beloved USA I shudder. Blessings

  15. sorealtonight says:

    Hi there!

    Just thought I would let you know I’ve nominated you for the 7×7 award! 🙂 http://sorealtonight.wordpress.com/2011/12/30/the-7×7-award/

    Congrats!! 🙂

  16. colltales says:

    Thanks Vikram, for introducing to your blog. Please come back often. Happy New Year. Wesley

  17. isabellart says:

    I am looking forward to learning more from you !

  18. Sheila Hurst says:

    Thank you for reading my post. I’ve always been interested in science, art, and literature and look forward to visiting.

  19. Roy says:

    Hey Vikram,

    Just wanted to say thanks for reading my blog.

    I’m afraid that I will avoid a lot of your reviews, because I haven’t seen many of the films yet! One of the drawbacks of living on a small island!



  20. Thanks, Roy, for your feed-back regarding my blog, I love your blog, too, and I’m very glad to be in touch with you.

  21. TheRealJWalker! says:


  22. electrizer says:

    Thanks for popping in… I’ve followed you so I’ll stick around 🙂

  23. littleoldme7 says:

    Thank you for stopping by my little new blog. Please continue to spread the light, brave one! 😉

  24. Chidiwe says:

    Thank you Vikram for visiting and liking my blog. I shall now commence to read your play. Thank you for sharing. Cheers.

  25. Katharine says:

    Hi Vikram, Thanks so much for visiting on the Global ReadHer!

  26. EvolutionMan says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I read several of your posts and like them because they make me think.

    Thinking is good for the soul.

  27. Rivenrod says:

    Wow! Such a range of interests. It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you and I’m sure our on-line relationship will go from strength to strength.

    I’ll be back,


  28. graphicanthropology says:

    Thank you Vikram.
    As with the sword, the pen, pencil, paint brush must be kept sharp to be effective.

  29. lapoupeequifaitnon says:

    thank you and keep on with your blog : )

  30. Sebastian says:

    Hello Vikram…thank you for liking one of the posts on my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has encouraged you. Please continue check in on us from time to time and follow if you will. Thank you again and remember to have Faith 1st.

  31. Great blog. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking my post on review writing. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Donna


  32. Vikram wrote, “One of the goals of education is social awareness: a better understanding of society and the knowledge of available alternatives. ”

    I strongly believe this but think true education and learning is lost on most people, especially those interested in “training” just to improve their employment and financial status.

    Thank you for sharing your insights. You clearly have a passion for life.

  33. clarbojahn says:

    Thanks for *Liking* my blog post “Diary of a Spider” It introduced me to yours and for that I’m grateful. 🙂

  34. Thank you for the visit.

  35. mamaproud says:

    Thanks, Vikram. You post interesting work. I’ll definitely be back.

  36. PiedType says:

    Hey, thanks for the blackout.

  37. Joanna Aislinn says:

    I thank you, kindly, for your virtual visit–and I learned about the origins of Tintin too 🙂

  38. yi-ching lin says:

    thank you for stopping by my photo/writing blog! i appreciate the support. best wishes to you and your book! cheers, y

  39. Tarig Anter says:

    Hi Vikram,

    Thank you for your visit to my blog. I wish you a happy, healthy and successful Year.

  40. ukechin says:

    Hello 🙂

  41. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will also give your blog a read over next few days

  42. Hi Vikram,
    Thanks for stopping by my photoblog. This is such a great way to virtually “meet” interesting people from all over the world. I’ll be stopping by your blog to see what’s going on in your world. Best wishes in 2012.


  43. Thank you for the “like”. I enjoyed reading what you wrote and it seems that you must be a very intelligent person. Your surname is also a famous one; I don’t know if you are in any way related. I am in the act of getting and installing more power on my internet connection. The one I have is slow, so when I’m up and running again, I will be in touch.
    Artists: I wish you could interact with my friends Rhea Bailey and Miriam McConnon, both artists and deep thinkers as well as interesting artists. Miriam is on the net but Rhea, who is older, shuns it. Rhea, I’m sure would love to write something. I’ll ask her. Miriam has a young family and is always busy as she’s also a teacher. The nice thing about them is Miriam is Irish and Rhea is Cypriot yet both are familiar with Art from the other’s land. My own favourites are Modigliani and Van Gogh. When I lived in London it was great to have so many wonderful galleries to go to.
    Psychology: not an expert but love observing the way the human mind works.
    Consideration for others an absolute ‘social awareness’ lesson all children should be taught.

  44. becky mcfalls says:

    Hi Vikram,
    Thank you!
    Best wishes,

  45. ontapblog says:

    Hi Vikram,

    Thanks! Wish you a happy New Year! You have some interesting content here!

    Thanks again.

  46. Wow you now your stuff! Thanks by the way! 😀

  47. jay Hudson says:

    thanks. your blog looks interesting so will be following.

  48. thomag1 says:

    thanks, VRoy for subscribing to my site……as I am going to follow you…learning from everyone is sometimes an arduous job…have a good day

  49. wittylaila says:

    hey vikram… thank you for the “like”.

  50. pobept says:

    Thanks for visiting my little blog.

  51. Sebastian says:

    Hello VR…thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. My hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian

  52. 3rdCultureChildren says:

    Greetings from (currently) Brazil! 😮


  53. Happy new year, Vikram! Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog. I’ll visit yours again. I laughed at your Domino’s desserts post.I worked for Dominos about a decade ago, but the only dessert we delivered were Cinnastix: butter and sugar on pizza dough. Ergh. 😉

  54. thomag1 says:

    thanks for the ‘like’, Vikram

  55. lonelym.com says:

    hi there, very interesting blog. looking forward to reading more. warmest wishes, lonely m.

  56. Hi, You have some very interesting posts here. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  57. awakeningpsyche says:

    Inspiring blog.

    “Art cannot draw lines in human life, but an artist can reflect light upon the society that is still standing in the dark.”

  58. vintagerock says:

    Hi Vikram
    Great Interesting blog.

  59. Cassie says:

    I just wanted to let you know your blog has been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can find details of the rules etc on my blog.http://justcassie.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/the-versatile-blogger-award/

  60. uncommonprincess says:

    Thanks for ‘liking’ on Love Built To Last.

  61. gigoid says:

    Vikram….I came by your site to say thanks, for reading my posts and following my blog. I’ve only had a chance to sample a small bit of your posts so far. What I’ve seen is very compelling as well as complex. It is a heavy read, with a lot of insight into human nature revealed in what you write.

    I spent 29 years working in mental hospitals, first as a Psychiatric Technician, then later in offices due to an injury; I retired last year. I’ve also read a book every day for the last 51 years, and have an immense appetite for new reading material. So, I think that may be why your work appeals to me, as you explore a lot of territory on the psychological plateau, and it’s all new to me. When I have a bit more time, I’m looking forward to reading your play, as well as wading through some of your essays. When I do, I’m sure I’ll have comments; I’m not shy, and I have no problems sharing my thoughts about what I read.

    You take care, and I’ll see you around WordPress….

  62. freefrednice says:

    i salute you my friend, well done

  63. God is Good says:

    Hi Vikram. Thank you … Blessings! God is Good!

  64. 1812 says:

    Thank you! – “Loma Linda, CA, LCBaretto And The Marketing Arm.”


  65. I like your blog. I see you are a writer. I have published four books myself.

  66. Nativegrl77 says:

    love your photos … and getting out the word about wind solar and wildlife issues

  67. diggingher says:

    Visually stimulating blog. Thanks for stopping by mine.
    I work primarily with women undergoing treatment for breast cancer and use various forms of art media in their healing/coping. Do you have any thoughts?

    • VIKRAM ROY says:

      Will you give me some more information about your project ? I will study and let you know. Thanks!

      • diggingher says:

        Not a project really. I am a nurse navigator and assist woman with cancer treatment. We have an integrative medicine program that offers opportunity to use the arts, meditation, REiki etc. in the healing process. I would be interested in learning about any programs or projects that might be available in an electronic format as this can sometimes be preferred. Great talking…thanks!
        You can read more about my role/experience on my blog if you are interested.

  68. I’d love to know more about Media Psychology. I am a Criminal Justice/Psychology major and a photographer by trade. Looking forward to your response. Thanks! 🙂

  69. I’m looking around on your blog and I like a lot so far! Thanks again!

  70. Nova says:

    Hello Vikram, I see you are fairly new to blogging… welcome aboard 🙂 and thanks for dropping by my blog! See ya around!

  71. Tarig Anter says:

    Thanks for the like to “Gulf Arab States Must Be Democratized Now”.
    As you said in your excellent article “The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people!”

  72. maansi says:

    Will stop by again. Nice blog.

  73. abhiqrtz says:

    Thanks much for the like on my post. It feels priveleged to get one from someone who’s had his work performed on stage.

  74. Jan Fishler says:

    Thanks for following me on my blog. It’s nice to connect with other writers.

  75. I look forward to reading your blog on the Mustang, I’m the daughter of a retired engineer from one of the “Big 3” and always wanted a muscle car from the late 60s growing up…I take that back, I still want one!!!

  76. Thanks for visiting our site, Vikram. I’m glad you enjoyed the story you read. Look forward to seeing you again!

  77. Jack Figure says:

    Good day Vikram,

    Thanks for reading my blog, I do appreciate it, especially coming from a writer and critic. I am currently working on two of my own science fiction short stories and therefore can’t help but admire any published writer.


  78. Kwerey says:

    “Art cannot draw lines in human life, but an artist can reflect light upon the society that is still standing in the dark.”

    I believe that. Lovely words, thankyou for them.

  79. Hello Vikram.

    I had a look at your flicker Photostream and the door image is both vibrant and impactful.

    I hope others that read my comment will take a look at you photography, it is uplifting.

    Best regards Talia.

  80. Jonas David says:

    Interesting blog here, I like the music!

  81. essaybee2012 says:

    Vickram, Thanks so much for reading my recent post. I’ll return often to check out your site.

  82. Rich Green says:

    Thanks for liking my portraits.

  83. parwatisingari says:

    Hi, Thanks for dropping into my space. I liked what I read about you.:) The play writing part particularly.

  84. Thanks for coming to check out my blog. Hope you enjoyed. I look forward to reading what you have to say. It’s always interesting for me to find new bloggers to read. Hope your day is good. BTW, where are you from? Just a curiosity of mine to see where various writers live.

  85. willowdot21 says:

    Hi , thank you for dropping into my blog and reading my last post. You do not say much about yourself but that in itself says a lot. I shall enjoy exploring you site. Be well and happy!

  86. Jamie says:

    Thanks for checking out my blog too! I always welcome new readers. I have a friend who is writing a play and I will definitely share your blog with her. Thanks.

  87. Celeste says:

    Good morning! I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you would like to participate, you can go here to see the rules. http://storieswritingadventure.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/ive-won-versatile-blogger-award/

    (thanks for all the ‘likes’ on my blog post as well…)

  88. Shweta says:

    Hi Vikram, thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post! This seems to be an interesting blog on a wide variety of subjects and I look forward to exploring the same

  89. kecain says:

    Thanks! Glad you stopped by and liked what you saw. Your site is intriguing and I will definitely be returning to browse around.

  90. You’ve got a pretty diverse blog here; I look forward to reading your stuff.

  91. sushakuba says:

    Hi Vikram,
    just wanted to say thanks for checking in at my blog!
    I find your writing very interesting and definitely will be back to read more.
    Best wishes,

  92. Hello and thanks for stopping by and enjoying my post. I’m enjoying exploring your site. Nice job.

  93. Monica Hayden says:

    You have a cool website. I’m subscribing to it. Cheers!

  94. It’s a very interesting take regarding the media on your part. Unfortunately, though media takes from the above mentioned fields of studies, it has become more a tool for keeping people misinformed of the true events unraveling in the world today. At the same time, media is sometimes the cause and effect-vicious cycle of perpetuating dogmatic ideas up to violence. It has become a tool for politics and powerful people to distort the truth in regards to our everyday reality we all share in the world. This is one of the reasons I almost never turn on my TV nor read a newspaper, preferring instead to watch things on line as they are presented by “simple” everyday people, in this way, the uncompromising way, I chose to receive information on the bases of relevance and truthfulness. Thanks again for having the most interesting About I’ve read in ages. Lucianus

  95. Zephyr says:

    I like your blog, so I’m offering you the Versatile Blogger Award. If you’d like to take part, please visit my recent post to read the rules: http://presentsofmind.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/paying-it-forward/

  96. Jan Simson says:

    This is quite a fantastic blog you’ve got going on here. I’m gonna go ahead and do some exploring now. Cheers!

  97. jjhiii24 says:

    Thank you so much for your interest in my blog, and from my review of yours I can see that we are both pursuing an expanded perspective in our individual worlds.

    You can be rightly proud of your accomplishments so far in your blog, and I hope to continue to provide readers with content that warrants attention.

    Great blog!

  98. Freedomborn says:

    Thank you for your visiting my Blog Vikram I appreciate this, it means that you are either searching for Truth or just for people to join your Blog… but I will leave that to God, He sees the heart, man looks on the outside and uses his own logic, wisdom and understanding, which is very shallow in comparison.

    Take Care Christian Love Anne.

  99. Thanks for visiting the happy spaces project. We would love for you to submit an image and description of a space that makes you happy. You have a very unique blog and we’d love to have a post from you. http://happyspacesproject.wordpress.com/

    All the Best!

  100. Media psych has a place in education . Learning by some children is graphical and too few educators understand that and the child is rated a poor achiever as he does not learn traditional expectations.

  101. “Why is it that marketing scientists tend to blame a brand’s demise on “loss of differentiation” or some such thing when they should be saying “It’s too expensive, it’s no longer profitable”? Which incidentally means the brand is becoming more not less differentiated?”

    Right on, Vikram. So often, when we are challenged, the temptation is to blame something/someone outside ourselves. It would be very interesting to research this topic – what is it that has brought this kind of thinking into the mainstream? The media? Seems to me that much of the public is living vicariously through the worst melodramatic sensationalism the media can dish up. Is the media creating a more self-indulgent society? Perhaps I’m off the mark here…

    Please don’t misunderstand me, there are times when we need to reach out- even be on the lookout for opportunities to lift up our neighbours. Without plain old fashioned compassion, we are nothing at all.

    I can feel a blog entry on this topic coming on!

  102. zaraalexis says:

    Thanks Vikram for following my blog “A Bibliotaphe’s Closet”: http://www.zaraalexis.wordpress.com months ago. We’ve chatted on Twitter, though. Will visit from time to time. Nice to meet another passionate writer. Keep it up!

  103. Thank you very much for “like” of my photos on 20 Lines a Day blog.

    I’ll enjoy browsing through your blog slowly.

  104. Thank you for the recent “Like” on my poem “Life And Death In A Parallel Universe” and judging from your credentials I should be, and I am, very honored indeed.

  105. thomag1 says:

    Hey Vikram, I nominated you for the ‘Mrs. Sparkly’s 10 Commandments Award’ on my ‘Bluesander & Mrs. Sparkly’ post. Congratulations. I think more people need to get to know you and your great site.


  106. anilraheja says:

    i’ve nominated you for the liebster award. i think i put a rather long note on your “about” page 🙂 – maybe it’s gone into your spam folder – oops!! God bless & love always…

  107. GJ Scobie says:

    I have nominated yourself for the Versatile Blogger Award if you should wish to accept it. Details are at


  108. Tarig Anter says:

    I am very pleased that you liked “Most Popular Posts on This Blog up to 17 Feb 2012” and “A Chat Between Christian and Muslim in Lebanon” and at Tarig Anter (on Protect & Reinvent Democracy).
    Yesterday I caught the last minutes of a TV interview with a young author (Martin Lindstrom) on his new best seller titled “Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy”. It might interest you, or you may write something creative about it.

  109. Thank you so much for your continued support of my blog. I appreciate you and your taking the time to let me know what you like.

  110. “Art cannot draw lines in human life, but an artist can reflect light upon the society that is still standing in the dark.”

    While these lines caught my attention, I beg to differ… I believe many artists endeavour(ed) to drawn lines in the human experience, both in regenerating that experience in a social context and in a spiritual and individual context. True art comes from a place of inner quiet, intuition, insight, where the artist is not trying to reproduce that which sits before him but that which is its on living entity.

    One would have to question if it is society which stands in the dark, or, if this reflection is due to a deep serperation of human to the human experience. Is the artist reflecting light on a society standing in the shadows, or is the artist drawing lines over the expression’s birthed of the human experience?

    In the late 1860s, through the practice of painting light and water (en plein air) in the open air, Renoir and Monet discovered that the color of shadows is not brown or black, but the reflected color of the objects surrounding them…

    “You come to nature with all her theories, and she knocks them all flat” ~ Renoir

  111. You may use anything – just credit blog.
    see Hemingway 4/30/11 and Dante 3/16/11

  112. Tarig Anter says:

    Vikram Roy; I am very pleased you liked “Invest in a New Desktop Chassis/Case Design” on 3D Democracy (for People Participation in Alternative System) and on Tarig Anter (on Protect & Reinvent Democracy).
    Please find someone in India or the region to produce this design. I posted this proposal since 2008, but nothing materialized. Good luck and thanks

    • VIKRAM ROY says:

      Hi Tarig, How are you friend? Its hard in India to produce a instructed design system, specially the outlook! Here manufacturing industry is based on bulk manufacturing. I think China is more dependable in this matter. I have some knowledge about hardware assembling that I once did some diploma to repair my own PC! But producing a personal design is cost-affected too!

  113. illusionville says:

    Hi Vikram, thanks for liking my post. Your blog looks interesting and so does your play. Will surely go through both some day. Good luck!

  114. petrel41 says:

    Hi Vikram, thank you for liking my Gambian birds blog post!

  115. Cowboy says:

    Howdy Vikram –

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you did, I’m going to enjoy yours !

  116. jdobypr says:

    Hiya Vikram…

    Thanks for visiting my blog…I really appreciate the support.

  117. I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. I think your blog is outstanding. Please go this page on my site to see what to do and to get the picture.

  118. Lisa Taylor says:

    Hey Vikram! I’ve really enjoyed following your blog this past month! Great posts and I love the neat graphics you post with them.

    As such, I wanted to nominate your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award! (I apologize if you’ve gotten it before!) It’s an award made by bloggers for bloggers as a way to recognize all the outstanding blogs out there. Here’s a link to give you more info about the award:


    Have an awesome day!


  119. Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate any help you can give me spreading the word about my book!

  120. I enjoyed perusing your blog posts. Nice work! I look forward to reading more. Thanks for stopping by adventuresinthanksliving, too. Peace and blessing.

  121. Troythulu says:

    Thanks much for the support, and for visiting my site…You do excellent work, and, good sir, you’ve been tagged.

  122. Vikram,
    Thank you for visiting 20 Lines a Day blog and taking time to “like” my photos there.

    Your blog looks very interesting from what I see right away. It will be a pleasure to browse through it.
    Kind regards

  123. pontromain says:

    Thank you for liking my poem, Vikram. I am checking through your own poetry now!


  124. fallcorn1936 says:

    Thanks for visiting my site. Yours looks very interesting

  125. Oh man.. It took a lot of time to scroll down all these comments… thousands there were I suppose.. :/
    But when I want to thank someone.. I thank them.. no matter how many miles I have to walk before I am able to express gratitude.. (Wiping the sweat off my forehead)

    Anyways.. Thanks for the like Vikram.. I’ll visit your blog time and again!
    Priyanka 🙂

  126. I greatly enjoy your attitude toward combining a scientific understanding of and approach to the world and the creative, artistic impulses that can make that factual basis so much more meaningful and powerful! May you do well and find great joy in pursuing that curiosity and passion of yours.

    • VIKRAM ROY says:

      Its always being a pleasure to meet beautiful people around! I see you and me have some similar passion about art! Thats valuable!

      Thanks Kathryn!

      Love and hugs!


  127. thanks for the like on my recent blog ” Watercolourist Discovers Venus, Hermes and Cupid” Your blog looks great. I love the drawing on your home page!

  128. russell5087 says:

    Thank you for your continued interest in my blog. Seeing Likes from you and others keeps me motivated to produce worthwhile content. By the way, I hope you checked out Margaret Cho’s website, she has a very nice link regarding the search for missing journalists in Cambodia.

  129. hi vikram…thanks for stopping by!!! 🙂 even m writing a novel…..attempting….. 🙂

  130. MakeSomethingMondays says:

    I have received The Versatile Blogger Award and am happy to be passing it on to you. It is well deserved. Keep it up 🙂 Visit my post for more details http://makesomethingmondays.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-thank-you/

  131. Thank you for visiting my blog Onelifethislife. it was great to have a new visitor. I love your statement: Art cannot draw lines in human life, but an artist can reflect light upon the society that is still standing in the dark. Very profound. I look forward to visiting again.

  132. wendystrohm says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I like yours too!

  133. Hello, Vikram 🙂 Thanks for liking my first post. Means a lot to me. I read your introduction and you sound really interesting. Can’t wait to make some time and read your play.
    Wishes for a lovely day.
    Carpe diem.

  134. 3D Eye says:

    Happy Birthday Vikram, and many thanks for liking the 3Di blog. Looking forward to exploring your work. GF

  135. Vikram, thanks for liking my latest. cheers

  136. danroberson says:

    Your blog looks interesting. I’ll explore it from time to time.

  137. pstpierre says:


    Thanks for liking my post.

    Love your blog.


  138. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to exploring yours as well!

  139. whimsyink says:

    Hi, thank you for the ‘like’ on my post. Your blog is really great, there is some really interesting stuff! 😀

  140. Vikram, this looks like a very intriguing blog and one that will perhaps make me use the left side of my brain!

  141. seekraz says:

    Hello Vikram – I saw that you stopped-by my blog today…thank you for visiting and for letting me know you were there!

  142. lise13 says:

    Hey, you have a great blog! Thank you for liking ‘My World’ it is awesome that you enjoyed it. Cheers

  143. Hi, thanks so much for appreciating our art and following us. We imform you that finally now is available english version of the novel Coeva (kindle edition) on Amazon. If you wish you can directlty download it at site:

    Dip yourself in a brand new world
    We love you

    Best regards
    The Coevas

  144. fromsonika says:

    Hi, I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award. http://fromsonika.wordpress.com/
    You can check the rules for nominating other at http://fromsonika.wordpress.com/
    Cheers !

  145. finluiniel says:

    your quest is a very worthy one!

  146. khushboopandey22 says:

    Very interesting… : ) I must say you are an awesome person… Wish you good luck… : )


  147. Drew Kail says:

    Thanks for liking my post. Your work seems really interesting. I’m glad to have discovered your blog.


  148. julez52 says:

    Hi Vikram, thanks for the like on my art blog

  149. wordart2012 says:


  150. nightlake says:

    Thanks a lot for stopping by my post. Your blog looks interesting.

  151. Vikram, thank you, for stopping by…

  152. Cedelle says:

    Thanks for looking at my blog! I find your blog interesting, I’ll be following your posts! 😀


  153. I like your site and play idea — I haven’t had a chance to read it yet and thanks for liking my poem “Seaside Holiday”. 🙂

  154. fromsonika says:

    Hi. I would like you to know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award….http://fromsonika.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/from-versatile-to-shining-bright/
    It is always a pleasure to visit you blog 🙂

  155. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    Hello there, hope all is well. I just wanted to let you know that I’m passing this award on to you/your blog. Your posts are always full of interesting information. 🙂



  156. Helen Ross says:

    Thanks Vikram for the LIKE for my latest post on 2012 Poetry challenges. Hope you are having an inspirational 2012 so far. Helen

  157. Steven says:

    Hi Vikram, many thanks for “liking” my ‘Jesus is God and so are you’ post, I really appreciate the support! Have a great weekend. Steven

  158. Annie Maier says:

    Hello Vikram. Thanks for checking out my blog. I’m glad I stopped by yours as well. It’s easy to get disheartened by the amount of junk on the internet, but just as easy to be inspired by those who think before writing/posting. You clearly fall in that second category! I love your use of imagery and color.

    “One of the goals of education is social awareness: a better understanding of society and the knowledge of available alternatives. The development of social awareness based fundamentally on consideration for others is an important function of education, basic to the philosophy.”

    Yes. I will visit often to get a dose of such wisdom!

  159. Thank you 2fold. First, for liking my blog – a kind gesture of encouragement. Second, for your blog – I look forward to learning from you insights as well.

  160. Hi Vikram. Thank you for liking my poetry. Your writing is very insightful. Best wishes, Michael

  161. poetart says:

    I have read only one post and already I’m inspired! Thanks for liking my poetry film and I’ll look forward to browsing your world. Warmest wishes. 🙂

  162. myrickeaton says:

    I just stopped by to say how much Keyhole Conversations appreciates your ‘like’ on their blog. Thank you so much.

    Bonnie Myrick

  163. thepaincave says:

    Great Blog…Thanks for stopping by mine. I will be reading more of yours.

  164. Hi there Vikram, thanks for stopping by my blog http://reflectionsofchina.wordpress.com/ and for the likes, they are appreciated…wow, you have some good work here and it would look like were related through Psychology :)..Cheers Mark

  165. skipmars says:

    Thanks for liking “Seldom Wright,” and for visiting my blog. I will, in turn, visit yours and comment. I don’t normally hit the “like” button without a comment. I generally graze quickly until I find a morsel to chew on, and then I respond with a word or two what I found good — and sometimes will ask when I don’t understand something. Oh, and don’t take what I say too terribly seriously, because I’m Seldom Wright.

  166. sanora1 says:

    Hi Vikram Thanks for stopping at me blog. Sounds like some of our interests overlap. Keep up the good work.

  167. Rhonda says:

    Thank you for making a stop in my space. I would be interested to know what it is that drew you to my humble little blog. Accident? I find that’s always the best way, with the most surprises. I find your posts (what I have read so far) very thought provoking, maybe too much so for the end of the day. I will enjoy returning when my mind is more clear and I can delve deeper.

  168. cburdett says:

    Thank you 🙂 4 reading. You are an awesome writer.

  169. Hey Vikram,
    Congratulations!! I have Nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award!!
    I am so glad to have you nominated for this ^_^



  170. Nitoy Gonzales says:

    thank you for following and liking my blogs…in what else can i be of service to you? prayers or resources from our ministry?God bless you!!!Enjoy Jesus!!!!

  171. Please accept my nomination for the “Tell Me Bout Yourself Award” here: http://katepolicani.com/2012/05/13/1258/
    Thanks for visiting my site! I loved your photos from Soul Sante!

  172. nymuse88 says:

    Hey buddy! Thought you were long overdue for an award http://ohmymuse.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/the-sunshine-award/

  173. Thanks for liking my post! Come back to The Tenderfoot soon!

  174. aklatpanulat says:

    Thank for visiting my blog. Keep writing and keep well.

  175. Thank you, Vikram, for checking out my page. All the best!

  176. narf7 says:

    Cheers for liking my post on Serendipity Farm. Art is the icing on lifes cake and gives life its colour, texture, richness and depth. I can’t be dealing with people who say that art has specific boundaries. Art is deep in everything (along with mathematics I am discovering). Being a horticulturalist I have been very interested in how plants use art to facilitate their day to day survival. In the process I have discovered pure mathematics, fibonacci numbers, the golden rule and music are all important. Life is woven together with many threads of philosophy, art, science, mathematics and its obvious that someone was going to exploit the links between creative science and marketing. Any way to make money! ;). You have a very intersting format on your blog…I might have to check out some of your posts.

  177. Renate Hechenberger says:

    Hi there Vikram, thanks for stopping by my blog http://coreonnewenergyenglish.wordpress.com/ and for the like; much appreciated… I’ll look forward to browsing your world. Warmest wishes.

  178. Hi Vikram, I’ve just nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! You can read more about the award here: http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/about/
    Enjoy and congrats! 🙂
    Cheers, Rashelle

  179. Tracy Raian says:

    Hi Vikram,

    I am Tracy with CheapOilPainting.com, an online store specializing in museum quality oil painting reproductions. We are currently offering bloggers and website owners discount coupon codes which they can share with their readers. As a new business, we’re just hoping to spread the word about our store (and hopefully to get mentioned somewhere on your blog)

    Would you have any interest in offering your readers an exclusive 15% discount coupon code from Cheap Oil Painting?

    I’m hoping that readers of your blog might be interested in our paintings.

    Thanks so much for your time and consideration!

    Tracy Raian
    Cheap Oil Painting

  180. John Klobucher says:

    Thank you, Vikram, for your like of the Lore. All the best from across the globe.

  181. famgg says:

    Thank you! I really like your blog so Im going to stalk you hereafter !! Yes I’m kinda creepy that way! XD

  182. Hi Vikram. Thanks for visiting Pirates & Pulsars. Quite an interesting blog you have. Hope to visit India some day. Best Regards, Cap’n Crusty.

  183. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations! I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.

    The rules are at

    One Lovely Blog Award, thanks Parashar’s Tales!

    You really deserve it!

  184. Hi,

    I liked your blog. I thought that we could do a few cross blog things.

    Would you be interested in reviewing my new book “Love, Peace and Happiness:What more can you want?”

    I could do an author interview on yours. I could also post your review on my fanpage referenced below which has more than 10,000 fans giving you a whole new set of visitors.

    Let me know if this makes sense for your blog.

    Rituraj Verma, author

  185. Arpita Myles says:

    Hi!! Thanks for stopping by at Th0ughtscape!! It gave me an opportunity to visit your blog. It is so interesting and beautifully scripted! I look forward to reading more stuff from you. Happy writing 🙂

  186. aalif says:

    Hey thanks for stopping by my blog… love the freeflow of creativity on your site…

  187. maggiemoo414 says:

    I take it you like the exclamation mark. 🙂 I’ve been looking at some of your posts; you are an amazing artist.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 I appreciate it

  188. How nice to find someone else who puts freethinking and literature together. Thank you for liking my Greeks post. I look forward to seeing more of yours.

  189. Hi: Thank you for all of your visits to our blog (and all of your likes). We are creating an invitation-only Silver Birch Press anthology on the theme of “silver.” If you are interested in participating with a story, poem, or other short piece, send us an email (find our address at our website http://www.silverbirchpress.com). Again, thanks for your visits and likes.

    Best wishes,
    Silver Birch Press

  190. Thank you for visiting my poetry site with WordPress and becoming a “Follower” of my work. Your Blog site with WordPress is a wonderful undertaking. I am now an official follower, as well, of your WordPress blog. Welcome to my WordPress family. It is my hope you will find works of inspiration for your own life. Blessings in your journey.

  191. fromghost says:

    great blog. I love what it has to offer. And thank you for checking out mine as well.

    Happy Blogging

    -fromghost [5:02 PM US EST]

  192. Cynthia says:

    Hi!! thanks for visiting my blog Yours is awesome too. looking forward to read more.

  193. Vikram my dear, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a gift, I must commment on what a creative person you are, interesting blog indeed!

  194. Hello from Canada Vikram, I have just nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award, and the Lovely Blog Award. Maybe you have these already. I was nominated by http://ryeder.wordpress.com. I’m not sure how the award part works, but you can choose to join the fun by giving a link to my page: http://graphicanthropology.wordpress.com/
    Then stating 7 facts about yourself and nominating 15 other bloggers. This is of course entirely voluntary. You can read my post here

    Award Night

  195. Cassie says:

    Just letting you know I have nominated you for the Senual Blogging Award. Congratulations! http://justcassie.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/704/

  196. I have nominated you for the beautiful blogger award. Go here http://localartcoeurdalenegallery.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/beautiful-blogger-award/ and check out the details 🙂

  197. Kenneth Merrick says:

    Vikram, you have some fantastic stuff bubbling away here. Thanks for taking some time to check out some of my work. Peace.

  198. surrealisticstyles says:

    Greetings and Salutations! Thank for liking one of my art pieces “Three Faces”…great stuff here too! Peace n Luv…from “just another artist’. ::grin::

  199. amaeguerrero says:

    Thanks for liking one of my posts sir! it really means a lot. Glad I visited on your blog, you have a very interesting and successful blog. God bless sir 😀

  200. guenbt says:

    Hello! Thanks for liking one of my posts. Have a good one, Guen.

  201. Thank you for the like on my post “Gifts from Nature” best of all it brought me to your very interesting blog. – Steve

  202. ..i applaud your vegetarian attitude….but…alas…all the times ive been to india…ive noticed that some people theer do not think twice about conning someone to make quick money, and yet go about their lives as vegetarians..and trying not to step on ants for fear of killing them! humanity should come first….whatever we eat…later…much later…!

  203. Thank you so much for liking my post “A view on the inside” on my blog “Diary of an art student” 🙂
    Wishing you Love, Light, and Laughter, Always 🙂

  204. skipmars says:

    Vikram, thanks for reading and responding to Little Monkey, who is, by the way, my 9 year old daughter. I enjoy writing stories, like Stinky and the Night Mare, and poetry for her.

  205. Kim says:

    Thanks for stopping by “Unwalled”…….glad my post “World Crisis Abounds” was a blessing to you………..all the best!……..Kim

  206. shri421 says:

    Someone as accomplished as you in writing liking almost all my published poems means a lot to me 🙂

  207. 2ndhalfolife says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  208. je cunada says:

    roy, the brave…
    thank you for visiting my blog and liking “destiny”..
    it’s an honor… really…=)

  209. lulumus says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours are interesting, looking forward to explore it some more! I do consider reading you play. Sounds different. Good different!

  210. edgeledge says:

    I just nominated your beautiful blog for The One Lovely Blog Award. You can go here to find out more about it. http://lplk.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/the-one-lovely-blog-award-nomination/
    Best wishes to you!

  211. whereisset says:

    Hi Vikram,
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog. I will go and have a look at yours!

  212. Stuti says:

    Hey Vikram!! Thanks for strutting by my blog. And your blog here – nice 🙂

    Look forward to more visits from you..



  213. pishnguyen says:

    Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the “like” on my post, “Do You Remember”.

    I’ve enjoyed looking around your blog, too. I hope to read more in the future!

  214. jibberino says:

    Thank you for reading and liking my recent post, I have enjoyed looking around you blog too.

  215. Summer says:

    Hallo there,

    I’ve a christmas card for you! : ) You can pick it up here http://summer4soul.wordpress.com/2012/12/11/1022/
    Have a nice day

    Sweet greetings, Summer

  216. Cassie says:

    I nominated you for The Liebster Award. 🙂 http://justcassie.wordpress.com/2012/12/15/liebster-award/

  217. Chae Lizotte says:

    Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve visited this website before but after going through a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m certainly delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back regularly!

  218. creat1ve11 says:

    I like your philosophy, Vikram. You just can’t go wrong with loving-kindness… 🙂

  219. tsizzles says:

    Hi Vikram, I know it’s late but I nominated you for the “Blog Of The Year” award. Check it out:

    Blog of the year 2012 award

  220. Moe says:

    Vikram, thanks for the ‘like’ – it’s always a delight to see a new name pop up!

  221. dmgartphoto says:

    Hi Vikram. I got the award “The versatile blogger” and the rules state that I must nominate others. Since I like your blog so much I’d like to nominate you for the same award. If you choose to accept it, you’ll find the link here:

  222. orlando gustilo says:

    Thank you,Vikram, for continuing to read my blog. Be well, continue your own unique way of comprehending our world.

  223. Serena says:

    A lot going on over here! Thank you for liking my post on foodfulife! I like your blog!!!!

  224. jenyjohn says:

    Hai Vikram.. thanks for the visit and liking my post… you have a lovely blog here with lost of info… I like it….

  225. Debbie says:

    “In Raw Form” recently received a like from you. Thank you ever so much.

  226. beetleypete says:

    Hi Vikram, Good luck with your blog, and thanks for visiting me in England. Regards, Pete.

  227. zehirablog says:

    Thanks for checking out my Blog Vikram, I hope you enjoy what you read 🙂

  228. vgkrish says:

    hey man!.. like your blog! and thanks for the visit as well 🙂

  229. N.Y says:

    Thank you for stopping by and reading my most recent post. My writing doesn’t compare to yours though! 😛 x

  230. Thank you for visiting my blog. Yours is pretty interesting. I will stop by often.

  231. Lovely concept! Was hoping that it’s not yet too late to wish you a happy birthday, since I guess your day was 14th March.
    Many more cheerful years!

  232. streamfairy says:

    I Vikram, thanks for your fav, you have a great and interesting blog 🙂

  233. ARvWD says:

    Hello, and thanks for the like!

  234. Zest says:

    Thanks for stopping by the Sunshine Scrapbook 🙂

  235. Cl_Elli says:

    Thank you for stopping by today. I can’t wait to read more and explore your blog. Blessings and see you soon around the blog.~E

  236. Andy says:

    Thank you for visiting City Jackdaw. Great blog-hope is good! In reared to my post- sometimes hope is all we have. Best wishes.

  237. Jennwith2ns says:

    Thanks for visiting the Jenn Stories! Hope you come back and visit again–when I get back to writing them, that is!

  238. Hi Vikram,

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for liking my post about Insanity workouts.
    This led me to your interesting blog, which I am now following.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Happy blogging!


  239. Thanks for liking my blog, and in so doing introducing me to yours. I know I will enjoy reading more!

  240. Nina says:

    Hi!!! So I’m loving your blog, having fun every time I visit and I think you absolutely deserve this award! Congratulations I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award, check out the details here 🙂 :

    The Sunshine Award #2 (I think)

  241. gospelbbq says:

    Thanks for coming by for some bbq. Great blog!

  242. fantastic blog,nice to find honorable people like you 🙂

  243. Thank you for liking “Space Station.” I enjoyed visiting your blog because of your thought-provoking posts. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  244. G says:

    I like I like I like … young man. Keep it up.

  245. Moira says:

    Hello Vikram, Thank you for liking my recent post on celery root soup. However did you stumble upon my site? Regardless, I’m glad you did. I will certainly be visiting yours for psychological and sociological inspiration. -Moira

  246. You are very creative and inspiring! 🙂

  247. I’m so glad you found caramelize life so I in turn could learn about your site. Wow, so psyched to read more. Your about page has me interested :0)
    cheers to you!

  248. Doraz says:

    Wow! You have been busy. 🙂 Great blog. Lots of very cool writings. 🙂 Take care. 🙂

  249. Ayeh says:

    Hi! thanks for stopping by! glad I found your blog! as an art student I find it very creative & inspiring! Keep up the good work!
    I invite you to see more of my art student journal: https://ayeh1.wordpress.com/
    Best wishes,

  250. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  251. Naveen Suresh says:

    Thank you for Visiting my Blog!! Looking forward to see you 🙂

  252. globalunison says:

    Thank you for stopping by and liking my recent post. It’s greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,

  253. Catherine B Roy says:

    Thank you for liking my post https://catherinebroy.wordpress.com/2015/02/24/algorithm-for-happiness-in-love/ I really appreciate that. You have a big like from me. Best regards Catherine 🙂

  254. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for following my blog.

  255. veronicahaunanifitzhugh says:

    Thank you for liking “Anger Turned Inward.” I hope you decide to donate at the Tupelo Press and Teen Creative Writing Center 30/30 Poetry Fundraiser at https://tupelopress.wordpress.com/3030-project/ And, thank you for supporting my writing! 🙂

  256. Thank You For Checking My Blog. Regards Lucas

  257. lindaravello says:

    Ciao Vikram – WOW am I glad that you liked one of my posts – your blog is crazy – I love it. It is a lot to take in, but I can relate to so much that you have written about – you seem to me like a modern day Leonardo di Vinci – you are so diverse – looking forward to getting to know you better. Lindy

  258. Vikram, i love your poems.You have won over a new follower.

  259. I like reading about super heroes! I find your articles fun to read, and covering a wide range of topics. Fun and interesting blog to visit. thanks -J

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