Drawing by Vikram Roy, based on Michelangelo’s fresco The Creation of Adam © 2012.

The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are the period of the European Renaissance or New Birth, one of the three great transforming movements of European history. This impulse had started first in Italy which we may call ‘the modern world came from Italy’! The Italians had become intellectually one of the keenest races whom the world has ever known for their incredible corruptions. In fourteenth century the spirit of Petrarch and Boccaccio was transmitted to Chaucer.

The Renaissance movement started from the rediscovery of Greek literature. Aristotle was vitalized and Plato’s noble idealistic philosophy was once more studied and understood. The word ‘human’ indeed became the chosen motto of the Renaissance scholars; ‘humanists’ was the title which they applied to themselves. A new creative enthusiasm had vitalized in both, art and literature. In the early sixteenth century a great many painters, Lionardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo rediscovered the European art. In science, towards the end of the fifteenth century Magellan virtually proved that the earth is round, when his ship actually circled the globe. About the year 1540, Copernicus reveals the truth that our world is not in the center of the universe, but merely one of the satellites of its far-superior sun.

In the middle of the fifteenth century the Renaissance had passed from Italy to France and then in England. Soon the study of Greek was introduced in Oxford. In Poetry, The Shepheard’s Calendar (1579) by Spenser is modelled on the artificial pastoral form, which is inspired by Virgil and Theocritus; was the spirit of the Renaissance. The supernatural beings and events of Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queene’ is essentially a picture gallery. He paints a large number of characters which influenced the spirit of the Renaissance. The most of the Renaissance poetry and sonnets are based on melancholic theme.

England was waved by the Renaissance to a new and most energetic life. Under this new aristocracy the rigidity of the feudal system became relaxed, and life became somewhat easier for all classes.


Hi, I am Vikram, a friend of you! I would like to take this opportunity of personally welcoming you to my blog! You can read my book “The Alchemist A Mystery In Three Acts” Available now on Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005IDUD4C Always love, Vikram Roy

24 responses »

  1. wonderful sketch painting! nice info too!

  2. Hello Vickram,
    I love this post. Thank you.

  3. Good summary. Thanks. As retired history teacher I always enjoy these things.

  4. Samir says:

    Great summery.

  5. eof737 says:

    Excellent post… I’m catching up again on blog posts. Thanks for your patience! 🙂

  6. Good drawing, interesting approach.

  7. Karmic Diva says:

    I love your drawing. This was an amazing period in history to study.

  8. granbee says:

    Vikram, I am so pleased to be reminded that Spencer and The Fairie Queen are a star feature of the Renaissance blooming in England. Classical Greek studies at Oxford really boosted this movement, I know. And very interesting that you mention the Italians and their great cultural revival of all things classically Greek in the same breath as you speak of their corruptions. Isn’t that too many times the way of human movements in history?

  9. simonandfinn says:

    Very nice drawing/painting – it really stands out. I enjoyed reading the summary as well and am glad to have come across your blog! Very interesting subjects.

  10. lechatjardinier says:

    Terrific post! Thank you for sharing your philosophical intelligence with the world! I was recently invited to set up and market eco-salons in Garfagnana, Italy through the agrotourismo communities of the region. The idea is to share and enjoy slow food and beverage, along with collaboratively engaging in idea generation that support ecological living. Is this something you might be interested in?

  11. VIKRAM ROY says:

    Thanks all of you. Love, and big big hugs! 🙂

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